
The Executive Director of CAWEE was present in the Hand-over Ceremony at the Office of the First lady of Ethiopia

Project handing over was organized at the Office of the First Lady of Ethiopia on April 2, 2018. As to welcome the first lady as well as to Hand over Projects which have been implementing by the former First Lady of Ethiopia.

Mrs. Roman Tesfaye the former First Lady of Ethiopia stated that the Office of the First Lady has been working on different projects throughout the country and has been very successful in its accomplishments.

Continuing her remark, she mentioned the  five sectors that the Office of the First Lady was involved:

  • Economically Empowering Women
  • Nutrition
  • HIV AIDS Prevention
  • Cancer Prevention and Examination
  • School Feeding

She further stated that, even though she is not the First Lady of Ethiopia anymore, when need be, she will continue to provide her support to the in-coming First Lady.

Following the Office hand-over to H.E. Zenash Tayachew the in-coming First Lady of Ethiopia, H. E. Zenash stated that she is very much willing and enthusiastic to continue working on the projects and building the capacity of the Office of the First Lady.

As CAWEE (Center for Accelerated women’s Economic Empowerment) being one of the organizations who has been working with the Office of the First Lady on “Connecting 1,500 Women & Young Girls to the Export Market”, Mrs. Nigest Haile the Executive Director of CAWEE was present during the Office hand-over ceremony.