CAWEE Launched the Project “Connecting 50 Rural Women to the Export Market through the Provision of skills Training in Pottery & Hand-weaving” in Lalibela Town

CAWEE implements different projects supported by different donors and funding organizations where, one of the funding organizations is CGC Overseas Construction Ethiopia Ltd. (CGCOC) in collaboration with China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA). The CGCOC funding covers the project’s implementation tasks in Lalibela Town, focusing on two sectors: Pottery and Hand-weaving. The life time of this project will be one Year (April 1st, 2018 to March 31st, 2019) and the total budget of the project is USD 50,000.00 (Fifty thousand US Dollars).


In this regard, the project team including Mr. Wang Xingzui, Executive President and Ms. Ji Lanlan, Senior Manager from CFPA with Nigest Haile, Executive Director of CAWEE visited Lalibela to launch the project. During the visit, the team had discussion with the concerned officials in Lalibela, i.e.  the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and also had discussion with trainees.

This particular project focused on providing technical skills training to grass roots women in the two priority sectors: Pottery and Hand-weaving, focusing on women residents within Lalibela Town.

In this regard, the project in Lalibela Town will connect 50 women to the export market, where out to the fifty (50) women trainees, forty (40) of them  will be involved in pottery skills training and the rest ten (10) women trainees in hand weaving, where the technical skills training started on June 11, 2018

Trainees During Hand-weaving Training
Trainees During Pottery Training
Mrs.Nigest Haile,Mr. Wang Xingzui and Ms. Ji Lanlan with the Mayor and D/Mayor of Lalibela Tow
Group Photo of the Trainees

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