
CAWEE Hold its 2018 General Assembly (GA) Meeting

The 2018 General Assembly meeting of the Center for Accelerated Women’s Economic Empowerment (CAWEE) took place on October 17, 2019, in the presence of all CAWEE members and invited guests, at The Mosaic Hotel, 9:00 am-1:30 pm, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The General Assembly started with CAWEE members and Invited guests networking and connecting with each other over a coffee, where new members were introduced and some of them were able to showcase their products.

Following the coffee networking, the GA meeting started with a welcoming remark made by the Executive Director of CAWEE, Mrs. Nigest Haile, she thanked all the members and the invited guests for coming. Continuing her remark, Mrs. Nigest briefly presented the 2018 CAWEE’s annual report and the 2019 work plan & Budget, the performance report presentation was followed by the External Auditor’s report of 2018, which was presented by Mrs. Menbere Leul, owner and Manager of Menbere Leul & CO. Chartered & Certified Accountants.

One of the sessions at the GA was an information briefing session which was provided by the America Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM), Ms. Rebecca Araya, General Manager, about the services they provide and a brief about its membership requirements. 

The GA meeting came to an end with comments and observations given by the members and a closing remark delivered by Mrs. Nigest Haile inviting all the GA participants to continue their discussion over lunch.