Since its inception, the AGRF has been a platform for advancing Africa’s agricultural agenda to achieve its development goals. Initially established as an annual “African Green Revolution Conference” by Yara International ASA in Norway in 2006, fostering public-private partnerships and mobilizing investments into African agriculture, the conference moved to the African continent in 2010 with the championing of the late Kofi Annan to take an African identity as the African Green Revolution Forum and ensure leadership and broader engagement of African stakeholders in the continent’s agricultural transformation agenda. Over time it has grown into the world’s most important and impactful forum for African agriculture, with an unrivalled power to convene top leaders, thinkers and implementers in African agriculture across private, public, development and non-profit partners, and academic and research sectors.

At the turn of AGRF’s 10th anniversary, the Forum is committed to taking its agenda and impact several notches higher. With five years left to achieve the vision and goals laid out in the Malabo Declaration and ten years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Forum is driving a more intentional agenda with more partners.

The Forum, which now consists of an annual Summit and many thematic platforms and activities through the year, brings together partners to energize political will and advance the programs, investments, and policies required to counter the major challenges affecting the agriculture sector and achieve an inclusive and sustainable agricultural transformation across the continent. It works explicitly to help African countries and the continent to make continuous progress to achieve the visions set in the Malabo Declaration and related Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Africa’s Agenda 2063. It also seeks explicitly to draw stakeholders around a common purpose – to unleash the full potential of Africa’s millions of smallholder farmers and their families who earn their livelihoods from small-scale farms and provide about 80% of the food and agricultural products consumed across the continent.

By helping scale the required policies, programs, and investments, the Forum supports governments and partners in the African agricultural landscape to transform the lives of millions of smallholder farmers, grow African businesses, and put a good number of countries on the path to a sustainable agricultural transformation. The results include significant impacts on food security, nutrition, job creation, rural development, resilience, incomes, and empowering individuals and countries to drive their own future that will ensure this is Africa’s Century.