The Center for Accelerated Women’s Economic Empowerment (CAWEE) was established in 2004 Being one of the pioneers, non-profit, trade promotion, membership organizations operating in the country, it provides promotional and capacity building support service targeting women exporters (existing and potential/emerging women exporters) involved in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through the provision of different support services. As a trade promotion organization, the Center provides trainings on basic business skills & life skills, trainings in international trade using its internationally accredited trainers. Beyond providing trainings in those mentioned areas, CAWEE as well provides Business Development Services (BDS) using its certified business counsellors. Furthermore, it facilitates access to finance, conducts action-oriented researches, facilitates policy dialogue forums and organizes trade missions and trade shows.
The vision of CAWEE is to create a globally competitive core women entrepreneurs class in Ethiopia.
The mission of the Center is building the capacities of women in business, with a focus to export market operating at different levels, through the provision of different kinds of support services.
CAWEE provides trainings in international trade using its internationally accredited trainers.
The Center provides business counselling services to its members
The core mandate of CAWEE is supporting and promoting women exporters
In supporting its members, CAWEE collaborates with bnks
CAWEE facilitates policy dialogue forums to advocate for women’s
In conducting action-oriented researches, focusing on challenges affecting women in business
CAWEE provides continuous counseling and mentoring services,
Beyond providing different kinds of support services to its members, CAWEE is also involved in providing technical skills trainings
CAWEE Organized 2023 GA Meeting
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